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This clay works easily

  • 1 ♦ work

    ♦ work /wɜ:k/
    1 [u] lavoro ( anche econ.); opera ( anche letteraria, ecc.); attività: DIALOGO → - Signing on with an agency- What sort of work are you looking for?, che genere di lavoro sta cercando?; Can you do this work alone?, puoi fare questo lavoro da solo?; a day's work, il lavoro d'una giornata; DIALOGO → - Computer problems- I've lost all this morning's work, ho perso tutto il lavoro di stamattina; to find (o to get) work, trovar lavoro; trovare da lavorare; A teacher does his work mainly at school, l'insegnante svolge la sua attività soprattutto a scuola; to go to work, andare al lavoro: I go to work by bus, vado al lavoro in autobus; My father is at work now, mio padre è al lavoro; ( USA) to be in work, essere in lavorazione; DIALOGO → - Dental fees- Are you in work?, ha un impiego?; to be looking for work, essere in cerca di lavoro; to be out of work, essere disoccupato; to finish work at 2 p.m., smettere di lavorare alle 14; to start work, cominciare a lavorare; to leave work early, uscire prima dal lavoro; to return to work, riprendere il lavoro; a piece of work, un lavoro; un oggetto lavorato: What a wonderful piece of work!, che magnifico lavoro!; to go (o to set) about one's work, mettersi a lavorare; intraprendere il proprio lavoro; to set sb. to work, mettere q. al lavoro; far lavorare q.; dirty work, lavoro pesante; ( anche) attività illegale; hard work, duro lavoro; seasonal work, lavoro stagionale
    2 ( arte, letter., mus., ecc.) opera ( anche in senso morale): a fine work of art, una bella opera d'arte; Shakespeare's complete (o collected) works, le opere complete di Shakespeare; works of mercy, opere di bene; atti di carità
    3 (pl.) (di solito col verbo al sing.) fabbrica; officina; opificio; stabilimento: The biggest works is outside the town, lo stabilimento più grande è fuori della città; a gas works, un'officina del gas
    4 (pl.) meccanismo; ingranaggio; congegno; movimento: The works need to be repaired, bisogna riparare il congegno; the works of a clock ( of a watch), il movimento di un orologio
    5 (pl.) opere, lavori (d'ingegneria); (mil.) fortificazioni: public works, opere di pubblica utilità; lavori pubblici; defensive works, opere di difesa; DIALOGO → - Being late- There are road works on the M1 and it's reduced to one lane, ci sono dei lavori sulla M1 e la strada è ridotta a una corsia
    6 [u] (fis.) lavoro: to convert energy into work, convertire energia in lavoro
    7 (mecc., ind., = workpiece) pezzo (da lavorare): to true up the work, centrare il pezzo
    8 (pl.) (fam.; = the full works, the whole work) tutto quanto; armi e bagagli; ogni cosa; ( di cibo) un po' di tutto; il menu completo
    work area, zona lavoro □ (econ.) work by the day, lavoro a giornata; lavoro in economia □ (org. az.) works committee, commissione mista □ (ind.) work cycle, ciclo di lavorazione □ (econ.) work experience, esperienza di lavoro; esperienza professionale □ ( anche comput.) work group, gruppo di lavoro □ work-horseworkhorse □ (org. az.) work hour, ora lavorativa □ work in hand (o in progress), lavoro in corso □ (sociol.) work-life balance, equilibrio tra lavoro e vita privata; equilibrio vita-lavoro □ (org. az.) work order, ordine (o buono) di lavorazione; commessa □ (leg.) work permit, permesso di lavoro □ work rate, quantità di lavoro; ( sport) mole di gioco svolto □ (econ.) work relief, sostegno all'occupazione □ work sheet, ► worksheet □ (cronot.) work standard, norma □ work stationworkstation □ (econ.) work stoppage, interruzione del lavoro □ (ind.) work study, studio dell'organizzazione del lavoro □ ( USA) work-study scholarship, borsa di studio con lavoro part-time □ work ticket = work order ► sopra □ all in the day's work, tutto regolare; roba d'ordinaria amministrazione □ at work, al lavoro, sul lavoro: safety at work, la sicurezza sul lavoro □ to be at the works, essere in fabbrica; essere in officina □ to be at work upon st., lavorare a qc.; essere occupato a fare qc. to have a hand in the work, avere le mani in pasta □ (fam.) to have one's work cut out, avere a mano un lavoro difficile; avere un bel da fare □ Keep up the good work!, bravo! continua così! □ to make short (o quick) work of, sbrigarsi a; sbarazzarsi di, far piazza pulita di: You have made short work of cleaning up the garden, ti sei sbrigato a pulire il giardino; I have made short work of him, mi sono sbarazzato di lui □ to set (o to get) to work, mettersi al lavoro; mettersi all'opera □ sexual discrimination at work, discriminazione sul lavoro in base al sesso; diversità di trattamento fra lavoratori e lavoratrici □ I have done a good day's work, ho fatto un bel po' di lavoro, oggi □ My work is in civil engineering (o as a civil engineer), faccio (di professione) l'ingegnere (civile) □ (prov.) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, il troppo lavoro rende noiosi.
    NOTA D'USO: - work o job?- ♦ (to) work /wɜ:k/
    (pass. e p. p. worked, talora wrought)
    A v. i.
    1 lavorare; operare; fare un lavoro: I've been working all day, è tutto il giorno che lavoro; He isn't working at present, non sta lavorando ora; ( anche) al momento è senza lavoro (o è disoccupato); to work hard, lavorar sodo; to work alongside sb., lavorare a fianco di q.; The new cook works well, il nuovo cuoco fa bene il suo lavoro; He was given the Nobel Prize because he had worked so hard for peace, ha ricevuto il premio Nobel per aver tanto operato per la pace; DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 1- Where do you work?, dove lavori?
    2 funzionare ( anche fig.); fare effetto; essere efficace; andare: to work on electricity, funzionare (o andare) con la corrente (elettrica); DIALOGO → - Power cut- The fridge has stopped working, il frigo ha smesso di funzionare; I don't think your idea will work, non credo che la tua idea funzionerà; The remedy didn't work, il rimedio non ha funzionato; The plan worked very well, il piano ha avuto un buon esito
    3 penetrare (con difficoltà): The worm worked ( its way) into the wood, il tarlo è penetrato nel legno
    4 lavorarsi, manipolarsi ( bene, male, ecc.): This clay works easily, quest'argilla si manipola bene
    5 (fig.) maturare; fermentare: Let the idea work in your mind, lascia che l'idea ti fermenti in testa
    6 contrarsi; distorcersi: Mr Hyde's features began to work in an awful manner, i lineamenti di Mr Hyde cominciarono a distorcersi in modo orrendo
    8 (mecc., naut.) allentarsi; allascarsi; avere gioco
    9 (tecn.: del malto, ecc.) fermentare
    10 (naut.: di una nave) faticare; travagliare
    11 (naut.) bordeggiare; navigare controvento
    B v. t.
    1 lavorare; foggiare; plasmare; manipolare: to work the soil, lavorare la terra; ( cucina) to work butter [dough] well, lavorar bene il burro [la pasta]; to work clay, manipolare l'argilla; to work iron, foggiare il ferro
    2 far lavorare: He works his players hard [non stop], fa lavorare sodo [senza tregua] i suoi giocatori
    3 far funzionare; azionare; manovrare; condurre: to work a machine, far funzionare una macchina; to be worked by electricity, essere azionato dall'elettricità; andare con la corrente (elettrica); to work an engine, manovrare una locomotiva; He worked the train from London to Liverpool, condusse il treno (fece da macchinista sul treno) da Londra a Liverpool
    4 (tecn.) comandare: This gadget works the whole burglar-alarm, questo aggeggio comanda l'intero antifurto
    5 operare; causare; produrre; provocare; compiere; esercitare; fare: Automation has worked ( o wrought) many changes in the car industry, l'automazione ha operato molti cambiamenti nell'industria automobilistica; The storm worked great ruin, la tempesta ha causato gravi danni; to work mischief, provocare (o fare) danni
    6 (org. az.) dirigere; essere a capo di
    7 (tecn.) dare per fermentazione: Yeast works beer, il lievito per fermentazione dà la birra
    8 (econ.) sfruttare, coltivare ( una miniera): to work a coal mine, sfruttare una miniera di carbone
    9 operare, ricamare; fare ( cucendo o ricamando): to work one's initials on the linen, ricamare le proprie iniziali sulla biancheria
    10 esercitare un influsso su (q.); convincere; indurre; persuadere: You should work him to your way of thinking, dovresti indurlo a condividere il tuo modo di vedere
    11 (fam.) sistemare; arrangiare (fam.); fare in modo: I'll work it so that you can come as well, farò in modo che anche tu possa venire; How did she work it?, come c'è riuscita?
    12 ( USA) fare ( un'operazione aritmetica); risolvere ( un problema); trovare, calcolare ( un risultato)
    13 ( sport: calcio, ecc.) lavorare, manovrare ( il pallone)
    14 (naut.) manovrare ( una barca)
    15 (fam.) lavorarsi, manipolare, sfruttare (q.)
    ● (comput.) to work at a distance, lavorare a distanza □ ( di un oratore, ecc.) to work the audience into enthusiasm, sollevare l'entusiasmo del pubblico □ ( di un principio, ecc.) to work both ways, valere nei due sensi (o per tutti e due) □ to work closely with sb., lavorare in stretta collaborazione con q. □ (comm.: di un commesso viaggiatore) to work a district, lavorare in una zona, fare una zona □ to work double tides, fare in un giorno il lavoro di due □ ( sport) to work the edges, agire sugli spigoli ( degli sci); spigolare □ to work free, (riuscire a) liberare, sciogliere: to work one's hands free, liberarsi le mani □ (econ.) to work full-time, lavorare a tempo pieno □ to work like a beaver, lavorare come un mulo; lavorare per dieci □ to work like a dog, lavorare come un mulo □ (mecc.) to work loose, allentare; allentarsi: The nut of the bolt has worked loose, s'è allentato il dado del bullone □ to work nights, fare il turno di notte □ to work overtime, fare lavoro straordinario; fare lo straordinario □ to work part-time, lavorare a tempo parziale (o ridotto) □ to work one's passage ( on a ship), pagarsi la traversata (su una nave) lavorando a bordo □ (leg.) to work a patent, sfruttare un brevetto □ to work in shifts, lavorare a turni □ to work a typewriter, scrivere a macchina; fare il dattilografo □ to work one's way through the crowd, farsi largo a fatica tra la folla □ to work wonders, fare miracoli □ (autom.) «Men working» ( cartello), «lavori in corso» □ It worked like a charm, la cosa andò (o tutto filò) a meraviglia; funzionò come d'incanto.
    NOTA D'USO: - to work for o to work at?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ work

  • 2 work

    1. I
    1) men must work люди должны трудиться
    2) the lift (the typewriter, etc.) won't work лифт и т.д. не работает; the bell (the manometer, etc.) didn't work звонок и т.д. не действовал; I can't make the car (this pump, this machine, etc.) work не могу наладить машину /автомобиль/ и т.д.; my brain doesn't seem to be working я что-то плохо соображаю
    3) the medicine /the drug/ (the treatment, this diet, etc.) works лекарство и т.д. оказывает действие /действует/; the pill didn't work таблетка не помогла /не подействовала/; the yeast is beginning to work дрожжи начинают подниматься; yeast makes beer work пиво от дрожжей начинает бродить; we tried this plan, but it did not work мы попробовали применить этот план, но [из этого] ничего не вышло
    4) his face /features/ began to work [от волнения и т.п.] у него начало подергиваться лицо; her lips /her mouth/ worked у нее дрожали губы
    2. II
    1) work in some manner work hard (well enough, steadily, conscientiously, busily, etc.) усердно и т.д. работать /трудиться/; he can hardly work at all он почти совсем не может работать; work for (at) some time work day and night работать день и ночь; work overtime перерабатывать, работать сверхурочно; he is not working now a) у него сейчас нет работы; б) он сейчас не работает
    2) work in some manner the bell (the engine, the gear, the motor, etc.) works well (easily, smoothly, etc.) звонок и т.д. хорошо и т.д. работает; the system works badly система не отлажена; the hinges work stiffly (freely) петли тугие (свободные); my heart works badly сердце у меня пошаливает
    3) work in some manner the plan (smb.'s scheme, this new method, etc.) works well (successfully, etc.) план и т.д. оказался удачным /эффективным/; it can work both ways это может помочь, но может и навредить
    4) work in some manner his face (mouth, etc.) works nervously (violently, etc.) его лицо и т.д. нервно и т.д. подергивается
    5) work in some direction work up (down, out, etc.) пробираться /пробиваться, прокладывать себе путь/ вверх и т.А; her stockings worked down, у нее спустились чулки; the shirt worked up /out/ рубашка выбилась /вылезла/ из брюк или юбки
    3. III
    work smth.
    1) work all day [long] (two hours a day, part time, etc.) работать весь /целый/ день и т.д.; work forty hours a week иметь сорокачасовую рабочую неделю
    2) work a typewriter (an adding machine, a tractor, a pump, etc.) работать на пишущей машинке и т.д.; I don't know how to work this gadget я не знаю, как обращаться с этой штукой /с этим приспособлением/; work a farm (a railway, a coal-mine, an estate, etc.) управлять фермой и т.д.
    3) work one's fingers (one's muscles, etc.) разрабатывать /тренировать/ пальцы и т.д.; work a scheme разрабатывать план; work a district (the constituency, etc.) обслуживать район и т.д.
    4) work the soil (iron, this kind of stone, etc.) обрабатывать почву и т.д.; work clay месить глину: work the dough вымешивать /месить/ тесто; work butter сбивать масло; work smb.'s initials вышивать (вырезать, выбивать и т.я.) чьи-л. инициалы; work buttonholes метать петли; work a shawl связать шаль
    5) work one's fingers (one's toes, one's lips, etc.) шевелить пальцами и т.д.; work one's jaws сжимать и разжимать челюсти, двигать челюстями
    6) work harm приносить вред; work destruction причинять разрушение; work havoc производить опустошение; work mischief натворить бед, устроить скандал; work changes производить перемены; work cures приносить исцеление; work-wonders /miracles/ творить чудеса
    4. IV
    1) work smb. in some manner work smb. hard (long hours) заставлять кого-л. усердно (много) работать, изнурять кого-л. работой
    2) work smth. somewhere work one's way forward (upwards, in, out, etc.) прокладывать себе путь /пробиваться/ вперед и т.д.; work one's way down с трудом спускаться; work one's way up а) пробиваться наверх; б) добиваться положения в обществе
    3) work smth. somewhere the trapper worked the stream up охотник расставил капканы вверх по ручью
    4) work smth. in some manner work one's fingers (one's lips, etc.) nervously нервно сжимать и разжимать пальцы и т.д.
    5. VI
    work smth. into some state work a screw (a rope, a string, a tie, a knot, etc.) loose ослабить гайку и т.д.; work one's hands free освобождать /высвобождать, развязывать себе/ руки; work the chain (the rope, etc.) free освободиться от цепей и т.д.
    6. XI
    1) be worked by smth. this machine (the pump, the doll, etc.) is worked by electricity эта машина и т.д. приводится в действие электричеством /работает при помощи электричества/ || to be worked to the limit использовать до конца; the device has not yet been worked to the limit еще не все ресурсы этого приспособления использованы полностью
    2) be worked for some time the number of hours worked weekly shall be reduced to 40 рабочая неделя будет сокращена до 40 часов
    7. XIII
    work to do smth. men must work to live чтобы жить, люди должны работать; he worked to put his brother through college он работал, чтобы его брат мог закончить колледж
    8. XV
    work into some state work loose ослабнуть; work free освободиться; the window catch (the screw, the nut, the handle, etc.) worked loose оконный шпингалет и т.д. разболтался
    9. XVI
    1) work at (in, on) some place work at an airplane factory (at a mill, at school, at an office, in an advertizing department, etc.) работать на авиационном заводе и т.д.; work in one's study (in the open air, in a garden, at one's desk, on a scaffolding, etc.) работать у себя в кабинете и т.д.; work on the land работать в сельском хозяйстве; work with smb. work with a grocer (with a florist, with this firm, with us, etc.) работать /служить/ у бакалейщика и т.д.; he is hard to work with с ним трудно работать /иметь дело/; work in (at, into, by, under) smth. work in one's spare hours (late into the night, late at night, by day, by night, etc.) работать в свой свободные часы и т.д.; work at top capacity (in full swing) работать на полную мощность; work at 2,500 HP иметь мощность в две тысячи пятьсот лошадиных сил; work under hard conditions работать в тяжелых условиях; work in shifts работать посменно; work for smth., smb. work for self-support (for a living, for a degree, for a higher certificate etc.) работать, чтобы обеспечить себя и т.д.; work for a small pay (for a wage, etc.) работать за небольшую плату и т.д.; work for a company (for a firm, etc.) служить в какой-л. компании и т.д.; work for the government быть на государственной службе; work with (without) smth. work with one's hands (with one's head, with a brush and paint, etc.) работать руками и т.д.; work with interest (with enthusiasm, with a will, without cessation, etc.) работать с интересом и т.д.;
    2) work on smth. work on an axle (on a pivot, etc.) вращаться на оси и т.д.; work on liquid fuel (on wood, on refined or crude petroleum, on all voltages, etc.) работать на жидком топливе и т.д.; this clock works on a spring эти часы приводятся в движение пружиной
    3) work in (with) smth. work in wood работать по дереву; work in oils (in water-colours, in distemper, etc.) писать маслом и т.д.; work in leather а) изготовлять изделия из кожи; б) тиснить кожу; work with silver (with gold, with wood, etc.) работать с серебром и т.д.; work at (on) smth. work at a shawl вышивать или вязать шаль; work on a tapestry (on a tombstone, etc.) работать над гобеленом и т.д.; work through smth. work through literature bearing on the subject (through the list, etc.) проработать литературу, относящуюся к данному вопросу и т.д.
    4) work at (on, upon, over) smth. work at history (at Greek, etc.) заниматься историей и т.д.; work at a new invention (at a topic, at a subject for many years, at a portrait, at a dictionary, etc.) работать над новым изобретением и т.д.; work at one's lessons делать /готовить/ уроки; work at one's profession совершенствовать свое профессиональное мастерство; work on this suggestion (on a new novel, on the case, etc.) работать над этим предложением и т.д.; have no data to work (up)on не иметь данных, из которых можно было бы исходить; work over a book (over a play, etc.) работать над книгой и т.д.; I worked over this letter half a dozen times before I sent it я переделывал это письмо десятки раз, прежде чем я его отправил; work over smb. I worked over him for an hour before I could revive him я бился целый час, чтобы привести его в чувство; after the match a masseur worked over him после матча его массировал массажист; work against (for, to, toward, towards) smth. work against war (against the cause, etc.) бороться /действовать, выступать/ против войны и т.д.; work for peace (for a cause, to the same end, toward(s) such results, for the good of humanity, for the world, etc.) работать на благо мира и т.д.; work in smth. work in literature работать в области литературы; work in this direction действовать в этом направлении; work in the interest of humanity работать на благо человечества; work with smb., smth. work with an English class (with a group, with children, etc.) работать /заниматься/ с английской группой и т.д.; work with figures иметь дело с цифрами
    5) work along (into, through, etc.) smth. work along the shelf of the rock с трудом продвигаться по уступу скалы; the grub worked into the wood в дереве завелся червячок; work into smb.'s favour coll. [хитростью] добиться чьего-л. расположения; work through the forest пробираться через лес; the rain works through the roof дождь проникает через крышу; his elbow has worked through the sleeve рукав у него протерся на локте; his toes worked through the boot его сапоги "каши просят"; the ship worked to windward корабль вышел на /выиграл/ ветер
    6) work with smth. smb.'s face (smb.'s lips, smb.'s features, smb.'s mouth, etc.) works with emotion (with excitement, with an effort to keep tears back, etc,) чье-л. лицо и т.д. подергивается от волнения и т.д.
    7) work (up)on smth., smb. work on smb.'s mind ((up)on smb.'s feelings, (up)on people, (up)on the vegetation, (up)on the public conscience, etc.) влиять /оказывать воздействие/ на чье-л. мнение и т.д.; work in smth. just drop a hint and leave it to work in his mind сделайте только намек, и мысль сама созреет в его голове; work with smb. the methods that work with one will not necessarily work with another то, что хорошо для одного, не обязательно годятся для другого, методы воздействия, годные для одного [человека], не обязательно будут эффективны для другого
    10. XVIII
    work oneself to some state he worked himself ill он переутомился и заболел || work oneself into smb.'s favour /into favour with smb./ добиться чьего-л. расположения; the rope (the knot, etc.) worked itself loose веревка и т.д. ослабла /развязалась/; the stream will work itself clear after rain когда пройдет дождь, поток снова станет прозрачным
    11. XIX1
    1) work like smb. work like a slave (like a horse, like a navvy, etc.) = работать как вол
    2) work like smth. work like magic /like a charm/ оказывать магическое действие
    12. XX1
    work as smb. work as a shop assistant (as a clerk, as a typist, as a cook, as a receptionist, etc.) работать продавцом и т.д.
    13. XXI1
    1) work smth. to smth. work one's passage /one's fare, one's ticket/ to the south (to America, etc.) отработать свой проезд на юг и т.д.; work one's way through college работать, чтобы иметь средства платить за обучение; work smb., smth. to some state work oneself (the slaves, etc.) to death изводить /изнурять/ себя и т.д. работой; work one's fingers to the bone стирать себе пальцы до крови /в кровь/
    2) work smth. by smth. work this machine (this device, etc.) by electricity (by radio, etc.) управлять этой машиной /приводить в действие эту машину/ и т.д. при помощи электричества и т.д.
    3) work smth. in smth. work flowers (lilies, a strange pattern, etc.) in silver thread (in silk, ill wool, etc.) вышивать цветы и т.д. серебряными нотками и т.д.; work smth. into smth. work the iron into a horseshoe изогнуть железо в подкову; work cotton into thread (hemp into cords, a silver dollar into a bracelet, etc.) сделать из хлопка нитки и т.д.; work one's hair into a knot закрутить /собрать/ волосы в узел /в пучок/; work cottage cheese into a smooth paste стереть творог в однородную массу; work smth. on smth. work a design on a cushion (one's initials on a handkerchief, eft.) вышивать узор и т.д. на подушке и т.д.; work smth. with smth. work a table-cloth (a robe, a blouse, etc.) with silk (with ornament, with lilies, etc.) расшивать скатерть и т.д. шелком и т.д.
    4) work smb. into some state work smb. (oneself, one's audience, etc.) into a rage (into a fever, into a hysterical mood, etc.) доводить кого-л. до бешенства и т.д.; don't work yourself into a temper! не взвинчивай себя!; work smb. for smth. work smb. for a loan (for a ticket, etc.) выманивать у кого-л. /обрабатывать кого-л., чтобы получить/ деньги взаймы и т.д.
    5) work smth. into smth. work a piano into a room втащить рояль в комнату; work the stone into the ring вправить камень в кольцо; work a pin into a hole вставить штифт в отверстие; work this quotation into a speech (an incident into a book, etc.) включать цитату в речь и т.д.; work smth. through (to) smb., smth. work one's way through the crowd (through the jungle, through the desert, through snow-fields, to the front of the crowd, to the summit, etc.) пробиваться через толпу и т.д.; work one's way to a position of responsibility добиваться положения в обществе

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > work

  • 3 hard

    1. adjective
    1) (firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc: The ground is too hard to dig.) hard, fast
    2) (not easy to do, learn, solve etc: Is English a hard language to learn?; He is a hard man to please.) vanskelig
    3) (not feeling or showing kindness: a hard master.) streng
    4) ((of weather) severe: a hard winter.) hard, streng
    5) (having or causing suffering: a hard life; hard times.) hard, vanskelig
    6) ((of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added: The water is hard in this part of the country.) hard, kalkrik
    2. adverb
    1) (with great effort: He works very hard; Think hard.) hardt, flittig
    2) (with great force; heavily: Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard.) hardt, tungt
    3) (with great attention: He stared hard at the man.) skarpt, strengt, stivt
    4) (to the full extent; completely: The car turned hard right.) skarpt
    - hardness
    - hardship
    - hard-and-fast
    - hard-back
    - hard-boiled
    - harddisk
    - hard-earned
    - hard-headed
    - hard-hearted
    - hardware
    - hard-wearing
    - be hard on
    - hard at it
    - hard done by
    - hard lines/luck
    - hard of hearing
    - a hard time of it
    - a hard time
    - hard up
    subst. \/hɑːd\/
    1) fast strand (som landingsplass)
    2) ( slang) straffearbeid
    3) ( slang) erigert penis
    adj. \/hɑːd\/
    1) hard, fast, stiv
    2) hard, kraftig
    3) hard, tøff, sterk, i form
    4) kraftig, ivrig, flittig
    5) vanskelig, besværlig, hard, tung
    6) ( om person) hardhjertet, følelsesløs, streng, strikt, fordringsfull
    7) ( om informasjon) pålitelig, nøktern
    8) ( om medikament) sterkt virkende, sterk, vanedannende
    9) ( om klima) streng, hard
    10) ( om vann) hardt
    11) hard, grov
    12) ( om stil) streng
    13) ( om pris) (høy og) fast
    14) ( om språklyd) hard, ustemt
    15) ( hverdagslig) alkoholholdig, sterk
    oh no, I gave the children some of that hard cider
    å nei, jeg har gitt barna litt av den alkoholholdige sideren
    be hard on one's clothes slite klærne hardt
    be hard on somebody være streng mot noen være urettferdig mot noen være skadelig for noen
    hard and fast fastsatt, definitiv, avgjort (sjøfart, om skip på grunn) ubevegelig
    hard put to something finne noe svært vanskelig
    adv. \/hɑːd\/
    1) hardt, sterkt, voldsomt, kraftig, intenst
    2) ivrig, flittig, hardt
    3) med besvær, med vanskelighet, med (stor) møye
    4) ( sjøfart) hardt
    be hard up ( hverdagslig) sitte hardt i det, ha det vanskelig, være i pengeknipe
    be hard up for something (to do) mangle noe (å gjøre)
    follow hard on følge hakk i hæl

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hard

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